Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cost Effective Validation of ERP and CRM - Your Questions Asnwered

In yesterday's webcast "Dissecting ERP and CRM Vendors for Cost Effective Validation" we discussed what regulated companies should be looking for when selecting ERP or CRM software and system integrators in the Life Sciences industry.

Specifically, we looked at how the choice of software vendor and system integrator affects the validation of the system, in terms of:
  • Cost effective and efficient validation,
  • Level of compliance achieved, both in terms of compliant business processes and compliant validation,
  • The quality of the final solution delivered.

We also reviewed what regulated companies can do to ensure that projects obtain the right balance between project cost, timescales and quality.

Unfortunately we ran out of time to answers all of the questions submitted during the webcast and our apologies to the person whose question we didn't have time to get around to. As promised, here is our answers to your question.

Q. How current is your data on cost, time, and quality?
A. In the webcast we showed a slide that inferred that time and cost considerations are usually completely divorced from quality/validation, where of course they should be balanced. Our experience is that a small number of Life Sciences companies (mainly larger pharmaceuticals) have invested significantly in adopting GAMP 5 risk-based validation and have developed flexible SDLCs which can accommodate ERP/CRM implementation in a cost effective and efficient manner.

However, this is still a small minority and as the later vote showed, most companies are still struggling to achieve the proper balance between time, cost and quality.

We also mentioned that it is possible to reduce the cost of validation to around 2-3% of the overall project budget, but most projects are still around 10-15%. The 2-3% figure assumes a well-defined SDLC that is specific to the ERP/CRM system being validated and also a great deal of process repeatability. In the case of Business & Decision, we can achieve those figures because (a) with due modesty, we are experts in implementing ERP/CRM and are also experts in risk-based validation and (b) we have done this dozens and dozens of times before in Life Sciences.

Some large pharmaceutical companies are also quoting similar single digit figures for the cost of validation, but the reality is that they are being selective in the figures they are quoting i.e. they represent mature processes for validating the roll-out of new phases of an existing system, using a system specific, mature and well-understood SDLC.

For most companies implementing ERP or CRM for the first time, 10-15% is more realistic. 5-10% can be achieved if you engage a specialist who really knows ERP and CRM validation and you engage them early in the project planning. 10-15% is more likely if your own validation staff work it out with a less experienced system integrator.

These figure are based on experience over the last 3-5 years, since the publication of GAMP 5.

You can view the webcast and hear all the other questions - and answers - by viewing the recording of the webcast. We hope that people found the webcast useful and that you’ll be able to join us for the remaining webcasts in the ERP/CRM series – details of which can be found in the ‘webcasts’ page on the Business & Decision Life Sciences website.