Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Answers to Webcast Questions - Compliant Business Intelligence and Analytics in Life Sciences

Thank you to everyone who attended the webcast "Compliant Business Intelligence and Analytics" and who submitted questions. The recording is now on-line and subscribers can download the slides from the Business & Decision Life Sciences website via the Client Hub.
Listed below are the questions that we didn't have time for in the live webcast, along with the answers we promised to provide.

Q. How could BI be beneficial in an IT industry "IT Project"?
A. IT projects and processes are another subset of business processes and Business Intelligence and Analytics can certainly be applied there. The use of Key Performance Indicators in IT Projects and Processes was covered extensively in our webcast "Measuring IS Compliance Key Performance Indicators". This includes the use of Business Intelligence applications for supporting project and process improvement, both in terms of efficiency and cost effectiveness and also in terms of regulatory compliance.

Q. How would you qualify a BI solution provider (if one ever needed to be hired for a project)?
A. No differently from qualifying any other vendor. We would focus on the maturity of the solution provider in terms of:
- Track record in Business Intelligence (do they know the specific technology/application, can they help develop a BI strategy and architect a BI solution?).
- Track record in Life Sciences (and in the particular business domain [e.g. clinical trials versus sales and marketing] and the particular sector [e.g. pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biomedical etc].
Assuming that a BI solution had already been selected we would also look to the BI vendors to make recommendations with respect to which solution provider they would recommend.
When combined, these factors would reduce a list of potential suppliers to a manageable number.

Supplier selection seems to be a question that has been asked a few times in various webcasts and is something we'll look at covering in more detail in a future webcast.
Thanks again for joining us for the webcast and if there are any follow up questions you can submit them via the Life Sciences website

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